Pippin is a prominent character in the popular anime and manga series Berserk, created by Kentaro Miura. As a member of the Band of the Hawk, Pippin plays a significant role in the story and is known for his formidable strength and unwavering loyalty to his leader, Griffith. With his imposing presence and quiet demeanor, Pippin has left a lasting impression on fans of the series. This page provides an in-depth look at Pippin’s background, personality, appearance, abilities, relationships, role in the story, and trivia, offering a comprehensive overview of this beloved character.



  1. Background
  2. Personality
  3. Appearance
  4. Abilities
  5. Relationships
  6. Role in the Story
  7. Trivia



Pippin is a character from the anime and manga series Berserk. He is a member of the Band of the Hawk, a mercenary group led by the protagonist, Guts. Pippin is known for his immense size and strength, making him a formidable warrior on the battlefield. He is fiercely loyal to his leader, Griffith, and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect him and the rest of the Band of the Hawk. Despite his intimidating appearance, Pippin is known for his gentle and caring nature towards his fellow comrades.



Pippin is a quiet and stoic character, rarely speaking but always observing his surroundings. He is fiercely loyal to his leader, Griffith, and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect him. Despite his intimidating appearance, Pippin is gentle and kind-hearted, often showing concern for his comrades. He is a skilled and powerful warrior, but he prefers to use his strength to protect others rather than to seek glory for himself. Overall, Pippin is a deeply honorable and selfless individual.



Pippin is a tall and muscular man with a stoic and intimidating presence. He has long, dark hair and often wears a serious expression on his face. He is usually seen wearing heavy armor and carrying a massive, two-handed sword. His imposing figure and strong physique make him a formidable presence on the battlefield.


– Pippin possesses immense physical strength and is considered one of the strongest members of the Band of the Hawk.

– He is skilled in hand-to-hand combat and is able to wield a massive sword with ease.

– Pippin is also known for his incredible endurance and resilience, making him a formidable warrior on the battlefield.



– Guts: Pippin has a strong bond with Guts and respects him as a leader and warrior.

Casca: Pippin is protective of Casca and often looks out for her well-being.

– Griffith: Pippin is fiercely loyal to Griffith and follows him without question.

– Band of the Hawk: Pippin has a close relationship with the other members of the Band of the Hawk and considers them his family.

Role in the Story

Pippin is a member of the Band of the Hawk, serving as one of the group’s strongest and most loyal warriors. He is often seen fighting alongside his comrades, protecting them and contributing to their victories on the battlefield. Pippin’s presence in the story adds a sense of strength and stability to the Band of the Hawk, and his unwavering dedication to his fellow members makes him an integral part of their success.


  • Pippin is known for his immense strength and is often seen as the powerhouse of the group.
  • Despite his intimidating appearance, Pippin is shown to have a gentle and caring side, especially towards his fellow comrades.
  • Pippin’s weapon of choice is a massive two-handed sword, which he wields with ease despite its size.
  • He is often seen as the silent and stoic member of the group, speaking only when necessary.
  • Pippin’s loyalty and dedication to his friends and his cause make him a beloved character among fans of Berserk.

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