The Eight Strongest Claymores in History: Unveiling Their Power

Claymores are powerful warriors with extraordinary abilities. In this article, we’ll uncover the stories of the eight strongest Claymores in history and reveal the incredible strength they possessed. These warriors were known for their exceptional combat skills and unique powers, making them legendary figures in the world of Claymore. Join us as we delve into the fascinating tales of these extraordinary fighters.


  1. Hysteria the Elegant
  2. Three-Armed Licht
  3. Heavy-Bladed Chloe
  4. Sistina the Divine Oracle
  5. Roxanne of Love and Hate
  6. Teresa of the Faint Smile
  7. Lutecia the Universal
  8. Cassandra the Dust Eater
  9. Conclusion

I. Hysteria the Elegant

The Eight Strongest Claymores in History: Unveiling Their Power

Hysteria the Elegant was one of the strongest Claymores in history. She was known for her grace and beauty, which earned her the title of “the Elegant.” Hysteria’s power and abilities were unmatched, making her a formidable force on the battlefield. She possessed incredible speed and agility, allowing her to outmaneuver her opponents with ease. In addition to her physical prowess, Hysteria also had a keen strategic mind, making her a fearsome opponent in combat.

Hysteria’s elegant fighting style and deadly precision made her a force to be reckoned with. She was a master of the sword, and her skill with the blade was unmatched. Hysteria’s presence on the battlefield struck fear into the hearts of her enemies, and her legacy as one of the strongest Claymores in history lives on to this day.

II. Three-Armed Licht

The Eight Strongest Claymores in History: Unveiling Their Power

Three-Armed Licht was one of the most formidable Claymores in history, known for her unique and extraordinary abilities. Despite her unusual physical appearance, with three arms instead of the usual two, Licht was a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Her three arms allowed her to wield multiple weapons simultaneously, giving her a distinct advantage in combat.

Licht’s strength and skills were unmatched, and she was feared by both Yoma and Awakened Beings alike. Her incredible speed and agility, combined with her mastery of multiple weapons, made her a deadly adversary. Licht’s three arms were a symbol of her unparalleled power, and she was revered as one of the strongest Claymores of her time.

III. Heavy-Bladed Chloe

The Eight Strongest Claymores in History: Unveiling Their Power

Chloe was known as Heavy-Bladed Chloe because of her massive and powerful sword. It was said that her strength was unmatched, and she could cleave through enemies with ease. Her heavy blade was a symbol of her incredible power, and she was feared by both Yoma and Awakened Beings alike.

In battle, Chloe’s strength was extraordinary. She could swing her heavy blade with incredible speed and precision, cutting down her foes with devastating force. Her combat skills were legendary, and she was known for her unwavering determination and fearlessness on the battlefield. Chloe’s legacy as one of the strongest Claymores was cemented by her unparalleled strength and her ability to wield her heavy blade with unmatched skill.

IV. Sistina the Divine Oracle

The Eight Strongest Claymores in History: Unveiling Their Power

Sistina was known as the Divine Oracle among the Claymores. She had a special role as a seer and was revered for her ability to foresee future events. Her power to predict the outcomes of battles and foresee dangers made her an invaluable asset to the Claymores. Sistina’s unique abilities helped the organization in making strategic decisions and avoiding potential threats.

In addition to her prophetic powers, Sistina was also a skilled fighter. She possessed exceptional agility and precision in combat, making her a formidable opponent on the battlefield. Her ability to anticipate her opponent’s moves, combined with her prophetic insights, made her a force to be reckoned with. Sistina’s dual strengths as a seer and a warrior solidified her place as one of the strongest and most respected Claymores in history.

V. Roxanne of Love and Hate

The Eight Strongest Claymores in History: Unveiling Their Power

Roxanne is known for her conflicting emotions of love and hate, which have shaped her strength as a Claymore. Her inner turmoil fuels her power, making her a formidable force on the battlefield. When she fights, her emotions drive her to unleash powerful combat skills, making her a force to be reckoned with. Despite her internal struggles, Roxanne’s abilities and strength have solidified her place as one of the strongest Claymores in history.

VI. Teresa of the Faint Smile

The Eight Strongest Claymores in History: Unveiling Their Power

Teresa of the Faint Smile was one of the most feared and respected Claymores in history. Her reputation as a fearsome warrior with a calm and enigmatic smile struck fear into the hearts of her enemies. Teresa’s combat abilities were unparalleled, and her skill with a sword was unmatched. She was known for her incredible speed and precision, making her a formidable opponent on the battlefield. Despite her immense power, Teresa was also known for her compassion and kindness, earning her the nickname “Teresa of the Faint Smile.”

Teresa’s legacy as one of the strongest Claymores lives on, and her impact on the history of the organization is undeniable. Her incredible strength and unwavering determination continue to inspire future generations of Claymores, and her name is revered as a symbol of power and resilience. Teresa’s story serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Claymores and their unwavering commitment to protecting humanity from the Yoma threat.

VII. Lutecia the Universal

The Eight Strongest Claymores in History: Unveiling Their Power

Lutecia is known as the Universal because of her unique ability to adapt to any situation. She can use different types of weapons and fighting styles, making her a versatile and unpredictable opponent. Her power is significant because it allows her to overcome various challenges and opponents, making her a formidable force on the battlefield.

In battle, Lutecia’s strength lies in her ability to analyze her opponents and quickly devise a strategy to counter their moves. She is known for her quick reflexes and agility, making her a difficult adversary to predict and defeat. Her universal power has earned her a reputation as one of the most adaptable and skilled Claymores in history.

VIII. Cassandra the Dust Eater

The Eight Strongest Claymores in History: Unveiling Their Power

Cassandra, known as the Dust Eater, was one of the most enigmatic and powerful Claymores in history. Her title, the Dust Eater, stemmed from her ability to consume the dust of her fallen enemies, granting her immense strength and resilience. This unique power set her apart from other Claymores, making her a formidable force on the battlefield.

In addition to her extraordinary ability, Cassandra was also known for her exceptional combat skills. She was a master of various sword techniques and had a keen strategic mind, allowing her to outmaneuver and overpower her opponents. Her prowess in battle and her mysterious powers solidified her reputation as one of the strongest and most fearsome Claymores of her time.

IX. Conclusion

In conclusion, the eight strongest Claymores in history have left a lasting impact with their incredible power and abilities. From Hysteria the Elegant to Cassandra the Dust Eater, each of these warriors has shown remarkable strength and skill in battle. Their stories and legacies continue to inspire and awe those who hear of their exploits.

These powerful Claymores have demonstrated that determination, training, and unwavering resolve can lead to extraordinary strength. Their feats in combat and their unique abilities have solidified their places in history as some of the most formidable warriors to have ever wielded a Claymore. Their legacy lives on, serving as a testament to the indomitable spirit and strength of the Claymores throughout history.