This page will provide an in-depth look at Cow Girl, delving into her background, personality, appearance, abilities, relationships, and the significant role she plays throughout the story. Additionally, we’ll share some interesting trivia that fans of the series are sure to enjoy. Cow Girl is a kind-hearted and resilient young woman who, despite the challenges she faces, stands strong and is a beacon of support and hope for Goblin Slayer and his comrades. Join us as we explore the intricacies of this fan-favorite character!

Cow Girl


  1. Background
  2. Personality
  3. Appearance
  4. Abilities
  5. Relationships
  6. Role in the Story
  7. Trivia

1. Background

Cow Girl, also known as Ushikai Musume, is a childhood friend of Goblin Slayer, the main protagonist of the series. They both grew up in the same village, where they developed a close bond. However, tragedy struck when their village was attacked and destroyed by a horde of goblins. Cow Girl’s family managed to escape the massacre, but Goblin Slayer’s family, along with most of the other villagers, were not as fortunate.

Cow Girl

After the attack, Cow Girl and her family relocated to a farm located near the city, where they rebuilt their lives. Cow Girl worked on the farm, helping her family take care of livestock, primarily cows, which earned her the nickname “Cow Girl.” Years later, Goblin Slayer, now a seasoned adventurer, returned to the area on his quest to eradicate goblins. Upon reuniting, Cow Girl offered him a place to stay, and their friendship was rekindled.

Despite the trauma of losing her village and the ongoing goblin threat, Cow Girl remains dedicated to her family and their farm. Her past experiences have made her strong and resilient, and she uses these qualities to support Goblin Slayer and his companions in their ongoing battles against the goblin menace.

2. Personality

Cow Girl is a kind, compassionate, and resilient individual. She has a caring nature that extends not only to her family and friends, but also to the animals on her family’s farm. Her unwavering dedication to her loved ones is one of her most admirable qualities.

Despite the hardships she has faced, Cow Girl maintains an optimistic outlook on life. Her cheerful demeanor and warm personality bring a sense of comfort and stability to those around her. This optimism helps her cope with the harsh realities of living in a world where goblin attacks are a constant threat.

Cow Girl

Her strong emotional connection to Goblin Slayer has led her to become fiercely protective of him. She understands the emotional burden he carries as a result of his traumatic past and is determined to provide him with a sense of normalcy and support. This often leads her to worry about his well-being, especially when he embarks on dangerous missions.

Cow Girl’s strength and resilience are evident in her ability to maintain hope and persevere despite the challenges she faces. Her character serves as a reminder of the importance of love, friendship, and loyalty in the face of adversity.

3. Appearance

Cow Girl is a young woman with an attractive and modest appearance. She has long, wavy red hair that reaches down to her waist, often tied up in a ponytail with a white ribbon. Her eyes are a gentle shade of green, reflecting her kind and caring nature.

Cow Girl

As a farm girl, Cow Girl’s attire is practical and suited for her daily tasks. She typically wears a simple, short-sleeved white blouse with a green vest over it, along with a long, brown skirt that reaches down to her ankles. This outfit is complemented by a pair of brown boots, which are ideal for working on the farm. She also dons a wide-brimmed straw hat to shield herself from the sun during long days spent outdoors.

Cow Girl’s appearance reflects her humble background and dedication to her family’s farm. Her simple and modest style sets her apart from other characters in the series, serving as a visual reminder of her down-to-earth personality and strong connection to her roots.

4. Abilities

While Cow Girl is not a trained adventurer like Goblin Slayer or his companions, she possesses a range of skills and abilities that stem from her life on the farm. These abilities have proven to be invaluable in supporting the main characters and contributing to their ongoing efforts against the goblin threat.

  • Animal Handling: Growing up on a farm, Cow Girl has developed a natural affinity for working with animals, particularly cows. She is skilled in tending to their needs, which includes feeding, grooming, and managing their overall health and well-being.
  • Farming Knowledge: Cow Girl has a wealth of knowledge about farming practices and techniques, including crop cultivation, soil management, and livestock care. This knowledge allows her to efficiently maintain the farm, ensuring a steady supply of food and resources for herself, her family, and Goblin Slayer.
Cow Girl
  • Physical Strength and Stamina: Working on a farm is physically demanding, and Cow Girl’s daily tasks have given her impressive strength and stamina. These attributes have come in handy on numerous occasions when she needed to defend herself or assist others in times of crisis.
  • Emotional Support: One of Cow Girl’s most vital abilities is her capacity to provide emotional support to Goblin Slayer and his friends. Her unwavering optimism and understanding nature make her a rock for those who are struggling with their personal demons, including Goblin Slayer himself.

While Cow Girl may not have the combat prowess or magical abilities of other characters in the series, her skills and strengths play a crucial role in supporting the main cast and maintaining their well-being, both physically and emotionally.

5. Relationships

Cow Girl has several significant relationships with the characters in the Goblin Slayer series. These relationships are essential in understanding her character development and the role she plays in the overall story.

  • Goblin Slayer (Childhood Friend): Cow Girl shares a deep bond with Goblin Slayer, dating back to their childhood in the same village. Their friendship was rekindled after they reunited following the goblin attack on their village. She provides him with unwavering support, offering him a place to stay and acting as a source of emotional comfort. She also worries about his well-being, especially when he embarks on dangerous missions.
  • Cow Girl’s Family (Parents and Uncle): Cow Girl is deeply devoted to her family, who managed to escape the goblin attack on their village. They run the farm together, and Cow Girl works alongside her parents and uncle, helping with the daily tasks and chores. Their strong bond and shared experiences have allowed them to create a loving and supportive environment in the face of adversity.
Cow Girl
  • Guild Girl (Friend): Cow Girl and Guild Girl have a friendly relationship, brought together by their mutual concern for Goblin Slayer. Guild Girl, who works at the Adventurer’s Guild, provides Cow Girl with updates on Goblin Slayer’s missions and his well-being. Their friendship demonstrates their shared dedication to supporting Goblin Slayer and helping him overcome his past traumas.
  • High Elf Archer, Dwarf Shaman, and Lizard Priest (Goblin Slayer’s Comrades): Although Cow Girl does not interact with Goblin Slayer’s adventuring party as frequently, she has developed a friendly rapport with them. She is aware of their support for Goblin Slayer in his quest to eradicate goblins, and she appreciates their camaraderie. Her kindness and hospitality extend to them when they visit the farm, and she often provides them with food and rest.

Cow Girl’s relationships with the various characters in the series reflect her kind and compassionate nature. Her connections, especially with Goblin Slayer and her family, are crucial in establishing her role within the story and the emotional support she provides throughout the series.

6. Role in the Story

Cow Girl plays a vital supporting role in the Goblin Slayer story. Although she is not directly involved in combat or adventuring like the main cast, her presence has a significant impact on the characters and the overall narrative. Here are some key ways in which Cow Girl contributes to the story:

  • Emotional Support: Cow Girl serves as a crucial source of emotional support for Goblin Slayer. She understands the pain and trauma he has endured and is determined to provide him with comfort and stability in his life. Her kindness and optimism help him cope with the emotional burden of his past experiences and his ongoing struggle against the goblin threat.
  • Safe Haven: Cow Girl’s family farm acts as a safe haven for Goblin Slayer, offering him a place to rest and recover after his dangerous missions. The farm is a symbol of normalcy and stability in the face of the chaos and violence that permeate the world of Goblin Slayer.
Cow Girl
  • Catalyst for Character Development: Cow Girl’s relationship with Goblin Slayer encourages him to grow as a person, both emotionally and psychologically. Her support and understanding help him come to terms with his past and confront his fears, ultimately allowing him to develop deeper connections with others and become a more well-rounded character.
  • Representation of Resilience: Cow Girl’s story represents the resilience of ordinary people living in a world plagued by danger and destruction. Her determination to persevere in the face of adversity, maintain hope, and support her loved ones is a testament to the strength of the human spirit, and serves as an inspiration for both the characters and the audience.

Although Cow Girl may not take center stage in the action-packed adventures of the Goblin Slayer series, her role as a support system and a symbol of resilience is invaluable. Her presence has a profound impact on the characters and the overall narrative, highlighting the importance of love, friendship, and hope in a world filled with darkness and danger.

7. Trivia

  • Cow Girl’s real name has never been revealed in the series, and she is primarily referred to by her nickname, which is derived from her occupation as a farm girl who tends to cows.
  • Although Cow Girl is not directly involved in combat or adventuring, her character has gained a loyal fan base due to her kind and caring nature, as well as her unwavering support for Goblin Slayer.
  • Cow Girl’s character design, with her modest attire and gentle appearance, stands in contrast to many other female characters in the series, highlighting her down-to-earth personality and strong connection to her rural roots.
  • In the Goblin Slayer: Year One light novel and manga series, which serves as a prequel to the main story, Cow Girl is depicted as a younger child, offering fans a glimpse into her early life and the development of her friendship with Goblin Slayer.
  • Cow Girl’s character provides a representation of hope and resilience in the face of adversity, serving as an inspiration not only to the other characters in the series, but also to fans who may face their own personal challenges.