Episode 12: The Fate of an Adventurer

The Goblin Lord’s Arrival

Goblin Lord’s arrival is a turning point for the group of adventurers. While they have successfully fought against goblins before, they quickly realize that the Goblin Lord is much stronger than they anticipated. The Goblin Lord is a formidable opponent, and his arrival creates a sense of danger and urgency for the group.

The Goblin Lord is a cunning and intelligent foe, with a plan to take over the human world. He has an army of goblins at his command, and he is determined to achieve his goals. His arrival sets the stage for an intense battle that will determine the fate of the human world.

The Goblin Lord’s arrival also reveals the limitations of the Goblin Slayer’s fighting style. While he is a skilled strategist and planner, he is not as effective in close combat. This creates a sense of vulnerability for the group, as they realize that their usual tactics may not work against the Goblin Lord.

Overall, the Goblin Lord’s arrival is a pivotal moment in the series. It sets the stage for an intense battle and reveals the limitations of the group’s fighting style. The Goblin Lord’s cunning and strength make him a formidable opponent, and the group must work together to defeat him.

The Goblin Slayer’s Defeat

The Goblin Slayer faces one of his toughest battles yet against the Goblin Lord. Despite the group’s best efforts, the Goblin Lord manages to break the Goblin Slayer’s sword and leave a massive gash in his arm. As a result, the Goblin Slayer is left helpless on the ground.

This defeat is a significant blow to the group, as the Goblin Slayer is the one who usually comes up with the plans and strategies to defeat the goblins. With the Goblin Slayer out of commission, the group is left to fend for themselves against the Goblin Lord.

The Goblin Slayer’s defeat also shows his vulnerability and human side. Up until this point, he has been portrayed as an almost invincible figure, always one step ahead of the goblins. However, his defeat shows that he is not invincible and can be hurt just like anyone else.

Despite his defeat, the Goblin Slayer does not give up. Instead, he uses his intelligence and strategic thinking to come up with a plan to defeat the Goblin Lord. This shows that even in defeat, he is still a formidable opponent and a valuable member of the group.

Overall, the Goblin Slayer’s defeat is a significant moment in the series. It shows his vulnerability and human side, and sets the stage for a thrilling battle against the Goblin Lord.

The Priestess’s Turning Point

The Priestess has a significant turning point in her character development. While she has always been a capable healer and supportive member of the group, she has primarily used defensive spells to protect her allies from harm. However, when the Goblin Lord is about to finish off the Goblin Slayer, the Priestess arrives and traps the Goblin Lord between two of her protective spells.

This moment marks a turning point for the Priestess, as she realizes that she can use her defensive spells offensively to defeat her enemies. She takes charge and becomes a more active participant in the battle, showing that she has grown in both confidence and skill.

Furthermore, the Priestess’s reaction to the Goblin Lord’s plea for mercy also shows her growth as a character. Despite his crocodile tears, she does not fall for his deception and instead stands firm in her resolve to defeat him. This shows that she has become a more perceptive and discerning character, no longer easily swayed by others’ emotions or words.

Overall, the Priestess’s turning point is a significant moment in the series. It shows her growth as a character and her newfound ability to use her defensive spells offensively. Her resolve and discernment in the face of the Goblin Lord’s deception also show her maturity and strength as a character.

The Goblin Slayer’s Plan

It is revealed that the Goblin Slayer had planned for the Goblin Lord to break his sword and injure him. He had set a trap that involved the Priestess, which ultimately led to the Goblin Lord’s defeat.

The Goblin Slayer’s plan showcases his intelligence and strategic thinking. He knew that brute force alone would not be enough to defeat the Goblin Lord, so he devised a plan that would use the Goblin Lord’s strength against him.

The plan involved the Goblin Slayer allowing the Goblin Lord to break his sword, leaving him vulnerable on the ground. The Priestess would then arrive and trap the Goblin Lord between two of her protective spells, allowing the Goblin Slayer to deliver the final blow.

This plan also showcases the Goblin Slayer’s trust in his allies. He knew that the Priestess would be able to execute his plan flawlessly, and he was willing to put his life in her hands to achieve victory.

Overall, the Goblin Slayer’s plan is a pivotal moment in the series. It shows his intelligence and strategic thinking, as well as his trust in his allies. The plan ultimately leads to the defeat of the Goblin Lord, showcasing the effectiveness of the Goblin Slayer’s tactics.

The Priestess’s Growth

Throughout the course of the Goblin Slayer anime, the Priestess undergoes significant character growth, becoming a capable and confident fighter. Her growth culminates in “The Fate of an Adventurer” when she demonstrates her newfound ability to use her defensive spells offensively.

The Priestess begins the series as a novice adventurer, unsure of herself and her abilities. She relies heavily on the Goblin Slayer for guidance and protection, and her primary role is to heal her allies.

However, as the series progresses, the Priestess becomes more confident in herself and her abilities. She starts to take a more active role in battles, using her spells to protect her allies and fight back against the goblins. This growth is evident when she stands up to the Goblin Lord and refuses to fall for his deception, even when he pleads for mercy.

Furthermore, the Priestess’s turning point in “The Fate of an Adventurer” showcases her growth as a character. She takes charge in the battle and uses her defensive spells offensively, showing that she has become a more versatile and confident fighter. Her discernment and resolve in the face of the Goblin Lord’s deception demonstrate her maturity and strength as a character.

Overall, the Priestess’s growth is a significant aspect of the Goblin Slayer anime. Her transformation from a timid novice to a confident fighter is a testament to her character development and adds depth to her role in the series.

The Goblin Slayer’s Past

The Goblin Slayer reveals some details about his past, shedding light on why he became an adventurer and his motivations for fighting goblins.

The Goblin Slayer reveals that he became an adventurer because nobody came to help when goblins attacked his village. He felt alone and helpless, and it was only when he found acceptance at the guild that he began to feel like he had a purpose.

This backstory adds depth to the Goblin Slayer’s character and helps to explain his obsession with fighting goblins. His past trauma has left him with a deep-seated hatred of goblins, and he is determined to eradicate them from the world.

Furthermore, the Goblin Slayer’s past shows that he is a character who has experienced loss and hardship. His motivation to become an adventurer and fight goblins is not driven by a desire for glory or riches, but by a need for justice and a desire to prevent others from experiencing the same pain he did.

Overall, the Goblin Slayer’s past adds depth and complexity to his character. His backstory helps to explain his motivations and obsessions, and his traumatic experiences add a layer of emotional depth to his role in the series.

A Hopeful Ending

“The Fate of an Adventurer” ends on a hopeful note, despite the intense battle and the Goblin Slayer’s injuries. The characters have developed and grown throughout the series, and there is a sense of closure and satisfaction as the episode concludes.

The Priestess’s turning point in the battle against the Goblin Lord showcases her growth as a character, and her ability to use her defensive spells offensively shows that she has become a more versatile and capable fighter.

The defeat of the Goblin Lord marks a significant victory for the group, and the fact that they were able to overcome such a formidable opponent together is a testament to their strength and resilience.

Moreover, the Goblin Slayer’s willingness to consider becoming a true adventurer shows that he has become more open to new experiences and is willing to take risks. The fact that he is willing to remove his helmet as a reward for the Priestess demonstrates a level of trust and camaraderie that was not present at the beginning of the series.

Overall, the hopeful ending of “The Fate of an Adventurer” is a satisfying conclusion to the first season of Goblin Slayer. The characters have developed and grown throughout the series, and their victories over the goblins are a testament to their strength and determination. While there is a sense of closure, there is also a feeling that the characters’ journeys are far from over, and that there is much more to come in the next season.

The Goblin Slayer’s Face

In this episode the Priestess asks the Goblin Slayer to remove his helmet as a reward for his help in defeating the Goblin Lord. While the audience does not get to see his entire face, it is implied that he is handsome.

The revelation of the Goblin Slayer’s face is a significant moment in the series, as it adds a new dimension to his character. Up until this point, the Goblin Slayer has been shrouded in mystery, and his helmet has been a symbol of his identity as a warrior.

The fact that the Goblin Slayer is handsome adds a new layer of complexity to his character. It challenges the audience’s preconceptions of him and adds depth to his motivations and actions. It also creates a sense of curiosity about his past and what led him to become the warrior he is today.

Overall, the revelation of the Goblin Slayer’s face is a significant moment in the series. It adds a new layer of complexity to his character and challenges the audience’s preconceptions of him. While it may not change the character’s actions or motivations, it does add depth and intrigue to his role in the series.


In conclusion, “The Fate of an Adventurer” is a pivotal episode in the Goblin Slayer anime, marking a significant turning point for several of the characters. The Goblin Lord’s arrival sets the stage for an intense battle that tests the group’s strength and resilience. The Goblin Slayer’s defeat shows his vulnerability and human side, while his plan to defeat the Goblin Lord showcases his intelligence and strategic thinking. The Priestess’s turning point demonstrates her growth as a character and her newfound ability to use her defensive spells offensively. Additionally, the Goblin Slayer’s past adds depth and complexity to his character, shedding light on his motivations and obsessions.

The episode ends on a hopeful note, with the defeat of the Goblin Lord and the growth and development of the characters. The revelation of the Goblin Slayer’s face adds a new dimension to his character and challenges the audience’s preconceptions of him. Overall, “The Fate of an Adventurer” is a satisfying conclusion to the first season of Goblin Slayer, with a sense of closure and satisfaction while also leaving the door open for future developments in the next season.