Episode 2: Goblin Slayer

Goblin Slayer and Cow Girl’s Trip to the City

Goblin Slayer and Cow Girl set out on a journey to the city to sell the produce from her uncle’s farm. As they walk, Cow Girl expresses her concern about Goblin Slayer’s lack of social skills and his tendency to only take goblin quests. Goblin Slayer, however, brushes off her worries and reminds her that goblins are a constant threat to people and should never be underestimated.

Along the way, they encounter a group of adventurers who mock Goblin Slayer for his shabby armor and his focus on goblin quests. They view him as a low-level adventurer who is not capable of taking on more difficult quests. Goblin Slayer, however, remains unfazed and stoically continues on his journey.

Upon reaching the city, they go to the Adventurer’s Guild to find work. The other adventurers there continue to mock Goblin Slayer and refuse to take him seriously. However, Guild Girl, who works at the Adventurer’s Guild, is grateful for Goblin Slayer’s willingness to take on goblin quests. She explains to him that most adventurers avoid these quests due to their low pay and the perception that they are not challenging enough.

Goblin Slayer, knowing the threat that goblins pose, agrees to take on these quests despite the ridicule he faces. He and Cow Girl sell their produce and prepare for the upcoming mission. Cow Girl remains supportive of Goblin Slayer, knowing that he is dedicated to protecting people from the dangers of goblins.

The trip to the city highlights the challenges that Goblin Slayer faces as an adventurer who focuses on goblin quests. However, it also shows the steadfast determination and commitment he has to his duty of protecting people from the threat of goblins.

Goblin Slayer at the Adventurer’s Guild

Goblin Slayer enters the Adventurer’s Guild in search of work. As he walks in, the other adventurers stare at him with disdain due to his low-quality armor and his reputation for only taking goblin quests. Goblin Slayer, however, remains calm and unfazed by their scornful looks.

Guild Girl, who works at the Adventurer’s Guild, greets Goblin Slayer and expresses her gratitude for his willingness to take on goblin quests. She tells him that most adventurers ignore these quests due to their low pay and the belief that they are not challenging enough. Despite the difficulty of the quests and the ridicule he receives, Goblin Slayer knows that goblins are a constant threat to people and are not to be underestimated.

The other adventurers continue to mock and belittle Goblin Slayer, calling him “Goblin Slayer” as a derogatory term. They view him as a low-level adventurer who is not capable of taking on more challenging quests. However, Goblin Slayer remains determined and resolute in his mission to protect people from the dangers of goblins.

Guild Girl assigns Goblin Slayer a goblin quest, which he accepts without hesitation. She is grateful for his help, knowing that most adventurers do not take these quests seriously. She warns Goblin Slayer about the dangers of goblins and encourages him to be careful.

Despite the ridicule and lack of respect from the other adventurers, Goblin Slayer remains focused on his mission to eradicate goblins and protect people from their threats. The scene at the Adventurer’s Guild highlights the challenges and hostility that Goblin Slayer faces as an adventurer who primarily takes on goblin quests, but it also shows his unwavering dedication to his duty and his desire to keep people safe.

Goblin Slayer’s Backstory

Goblin Slayer shares his tragic backstory with Cow Girl, revealing the reason why he is so dedicated to slaying goblins. He tells her that when he was a child, his village was attacked by goblins. The goblins killed nearly all the villagers, including Cow Girl’s parents, leaving Goblin Slayer as one of the only survivors.

This event had a profound impact on Goblin Slayer, and he devoted himself to becoming an expert in slaying goblins. He trained himself relentlessly, becoming proficient in various weapons and tactics to better take on his chosen enemy. However, the traumatic experience also left him socially awkward and unable to connect with others.

Despite his dedication to protecting people from goblins, Goblin Slayer’s obsession with killing them has led to him being an outcast among other adventurers. They view him as strange and single-minded, only accepting quests that involve goblins. Goblin Slayer, however, knows the dangers that goblins pose and remains steadfast in his commitment to protect people from them.

Cow Girl remains supportive of Goblin Slayer, understanding the trauma he experienced and the reason behind his mission. She wishes to apologize to him for not bringing him with her to the city on the day before the goblin attack, feeling guilty that she may have inadvertently contributed to the tragedy.

Goblin Slayer’s backstory adds depth to his character and explains his motivation for his mission to slay goblins. It also highlights the toll that trauma can have on a person and the difficulty of connecting with others when one has suffered a traumatic event. Despite this, Goblin Slayer remains determined to protect people from goblin threats, even if it means being viewed as a strange and outcast figure among other adventurers.

Cow Girl’s Support

Despite the warnings from her uncle about Goblin Slayer’s abnormal behavior, Cow Girl remains a steadfast supporter of her childhood friend. She understands the trauma that he experienced as a child and the reason behind his mission to slay goblins.

Cow Girl feels guilty for not bringing Goblin Slayer with her to the city on the day before the goblin attack that destroyed their village. She sees it as her responsibility to support him, knowing that he lost everything due to the goblin attack.

Even though other villagers and adventurers view Goblin Slayer as strange and socially awkward, Cow Girl remains a loyal friend. She continues to accompany him on his missions and is a constant source of emotional support for him.

Cow Girl’s support is important to Goblin Slayer, who is often viewed as an outcast among other adventurers. She is one of the few people who understands the depth of his trauma and the reason behind his mission. Her support gives him the strength and motivation to continue fighting against goblins and protecting people from their threats.

Overall, Cow Girl’s unwavering support highlights the importance of having a loyal friend in times of crisis. She provides a source of comfort and strength for Goblin Slayer, helping him to continue his mission despite the challenges he faces.

Goblin Slayer and Priestess’ Attack on a Goblin Fortress

Goblin Slayer and Priestess embark on a dangerous mission to attack a goblin fortress. They travel through the woods, taking great care to remain hidden and avoid being detected by the goblins.

Once they reach the fortress, they carefully make their way inside, taking out any goblins that they encounter. They set the fortress on fire, preventing the goblins from escaping.

As the fire rages, the goblins frantically try to flee, but Goblin Slayer and Priestess are there to stop them. They fight bravely, slaying every goblin that tries to escape the fortress. Despite the danger and the overwhelming odds, they manage to destroy the fortress and prevent the goblins from continuing their reign of terror.

During the mission, Priestess shows herself to be a valuable ally to Goblin Slayer. She demonstrates bravery and resourcefulness in the face of danger, and her magical abilities are crucial in helping them defeat the goblins.

Goblin Slayer, meanwhile, remains focused and determined, using his knowledge and expertise to effectively take out the goblins. He shows no mercy towards the goblins, as he understands the devastation that they can cause.

Their successful mission is a testament to the strength and skill of both Goblin Slayer and Priestess. It highlights the importance of teamwork and the value of having allies in dangerous situations. Overall, their attack on the goblin fortress is a significant victory in their mission to protect people from the threat of goblins.

Introduction of High Elf and Orcbolg

In a large city to the east, a group of adventurers discuss the existence of a powerful adventurer they call Orcbolg. They are in awe of Orcbolg’s abilities and reputation, and some even fear him.

At the same time, a High Elf and her companions arrive in the city, also searching for Orcbolg. They are on a mission to find him, believing that he may be able to help them with a particular quest.

The High Elf and her companions stand out among the city’s inhabitants, with their elegant clothing and graceful demeanor. They discuss Orcbolg, wondering if he is real and if he truly possesses the strength and abilities that they have heard about.

Eventually, they confirm that Orcbolg does indeed exist, and they begin their search for him. The High Elf and her companions are intrigued by Orcbolg and believe that he may be able to help them with their quest.

The introduction of the High Elf and Orcbolg adds another layer of intrigue to the story. It hints at the existence of other powerful adventurers and the possibility of new allies for Goblin Slayer in his mission to slay goblins. It also shows the importance of reputation and how it can spread quickly throughout the adventurer community.